What's New
Cybersecurity Best Practices for Ombuds
One of the fastest growing areas of dispute resolution is Ombuds. Ombuds offices are being steadily established at every level of government, in academia, by non-profits, and throughout our traditional and sharing economies. This growth has been supported by new Ombuds data and security standards and by the development of new online platforms built specifically for the operation of Ombuds offices.
Caseload Manager Helps Ombuds Offices Meet Best Practice Standards
Ombuds offices have elevated and unique needs for managing personal and case information and for meeting International Ombudsman Association (IOA) best practice standards.
Personal Histories in Conflict Resolution Interview Series: Howard Gadlin
From the Mediate.com interview series -- a conversation with Howard Gadlin about his chapter in the book :"Evolution of a Field: Personal Histories in Conflict Resolution."
Mediate.com Great Reads Book Club - Susan Raines, Workplace Conflict
Recording of another episode of Mediate.com's Great Reads Book Club with Prof. Susan Raines talking about the new edition of her book "Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving Workplace, Client and Policy Disputes," hosted by Chidera Didigu.
Congratulations, IOA! 1,000 Members!
Mediate.com would like to celebrate the International Ombudsman Association's 1,000th Member!
Race and Caste, Gender and Patriarchy, Wealth and Class: Mediating the Systems, Structures, and Sources of Prejudice
As a society, we have not resolved many enduring disputes, or convinced each other, or even discussed them intelligently, but ended up instead screaming at one another, clashing violently, and being prepared to manipulate, and even jettison the entire democratic process if it doesn’t back the candidates and policies we support.
Comparing Mediation Websites
According to brand new 8/16/2020 data from Alexa.com, Mediate.com is most visited and most linked mediation website, by far!
Interview with Don Saposnek
This is a new interview with Don Saposnek, long-time leader in the field of divorce mediation and best supporting the interests of children in divorce, by Robert Benjamin as part of Mediate's new "The Future of Mediation and Negotiation in Our Culture, Politics and Society" video series.
Interview with Howard Gadlin
This is a new interview of Howard Gadlin, long-time leading Ombudsman at UCLA and the National Institute of Health (NIH), by Robert Benjamin as part of Mediate's video series "The Future of Mediation and Negotiation in Our Culture, Politics and Society."
Enlisting the Involvement of Organizational Ombuds to Resolve Workplace Conflicts at Public Schools in Hong Kong
This article advocates the establishment of organizational ombuds by the Education and Development Bureau in Hong Kong to complement its current system to resolve workplace conflicts at public schools.
Companies Need You!
Workplace mediation disputes are increasing and changing. To be prepared for this growing field, mediators should look at what skills they will need.
Ombuds and Mediation
Today, the term ombudsman serves as a neutral representative. Its function is becoming a necessity in various industries including, healthcare, academia, private, public, and non-profit organizations.
Canadian Ombudsman Impartiality Is a Delicate Balance
The recent announcement that another major Canadian bank is withdrawing from the national banking ombudsman service in favour of a private dispute resolution service for customer banking complaints raises interesting questions about independence and impartiality.
Interview with Howard Gadlin - Views from the Eye of the Storm
This is the complete interview by Robert Benjamin with Howard Gadlin, former Ombudsman and Director of the Center for Cooperative Resolution at the National Institutes of Health since 1999, filmed as part of Mediate.com's 'Views from the Eye of the Storm' Video Series.
Amplifying Ombuds Trends with Data
How does an ombuds define a trend, and how can one know if the issue is truly pervasive or of consequence?
Norwegian Legislature to Consider Mandating Student Ombuds for All Universities
A committee of the Storting (Norway's supreme legislature) has approved a proposal to mandate Studentombud for all universities in the country. At present, ten universities provide Student Ombuds programs, which serve about two-thirds of all university students.
World Health Organization Ombuds Says Dysfunctional Management is Impacting Mission
In January 2018, the Ombudsman for the international public health agency told leadership that managers lack the interpersonal skills required for effective team communications, constructive conversations about performance, and conflict resolution.
California Legislature Hears Testimony on Role of Ombuds in Sexual Misconduct Matters
As part of its on-going effort to respond to allegations of sexual misconduct in the state capital, a joint subcommittee of the California legislature heard about how the Ombuds programs work at the University of California.
ACCUO Publishes Study of Ombuds' Impact
In 2016, the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudsperson commissioned, "a project to explore and portray in its various guises the work carried out by ombuds offices, with the aim of achieving some clarity on its impact on Canadian colleges and universities."
Case Management for College and University Ombuds
Academic (college and university) Ombuds Offices have unique needs for managing personal and case information.
Federal Ombuds Report
In the decades since the initial 1990 Recommendation of the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS or the Conference) on federal ombuds was adopted, the milieu in which government operates has, by all accounts, become more polarized, with government itself often the target of suspicion and hostility.
Mediation, Elder Abuse And Saving The Family: Mediation & Conflict Strategies To Avoid Elder Abuse
As Americans are getting older, more and more issues arise relating to elder abuse in financial and health care settings. Studies show that the majority of abuse occurs within the family. What can be done to resolve these issues? Listen to a respected elder abuse mediator and author, Steve Mehta, and learn how to address these difficult issues.
The Role of Ombudsmen and The Recurring Ethical Crisis in the American Financial Services Industry
When recurring ethical crisis in the financial services industry arise, it’s essential to give voice to employees on the lower end of hierarchies in organizational institutions.
Tom Kosakowski TEDx Talk on Organization Ombuds
Tom Kosakowski, Ombuds at UCLA HHS office, shares a TEDx talk discussing how ombuds can play a role in the future of organizational conflict resolution.
Green on Race and ADR
Michael Z. Green (Texas A&M) recently spoke on “Civility and Mediation as Workplace Responses to Conscious Disregard of Racially-Biased Behaviors.” Like this title, Michael’s talk was provocative, stuffed with information, and at once idealistic and critical.