About OnlineOmbuds

OnlineOmbuds.com is a development of Resourceful Internet Solutions, Inc., also home of Mediate.com, Arbitrate.com, CaseloadManager.com, OnlineMediators.com, OnlineArbitrators.com and many other leading dispute resolution websites. Our goal is to best assist the development of the Ombuds profession by the distribution of valuable practice and technical information.

Ombuds is a rapidly growing area of dispute resolution in which an authorized organizational representative is able to confidentially assist in the resolution of individual and organizational issues.

Organizational Ombuds serve as a confidential, independent, neutral and informal dispute resolution resource for a specific entity. Ombuds are accessible to a defined population and advocate for fairness. These unique characteristics distinguish Organizational Ombuds from mediators, arbitrators, and other alternative dispute resolution professionals. The term "Ombuds" is shorthand for "Ombudsman," "Ombudsperson" and "Ombuds Officer," which are also used widely.